1fandom - Theme set four.

Nov 17, 2006 15:07

Took me ages, but I finally finished. I must do a Torchwood one of these someday... (Although I snuck in some Torchwood Jack)

Fandom: Doctor Who
Theme Set: Four
Rating: G to M.

01. Step
He saw it her eyes, that moment - she had stepped from the TARDIS into something bigger and more incredible than she could ever imagine.

02. Squeeze
And when the warm little hand squeezed his, for a moment he could forget he was alone, because just for a moment she was everything.

03. Dirt
Even without the dirt matted into its fur, the creature was unidentifiable; he could think of no reason why it would be found in a pet shop.

04. Late
He had come to realise that it didn’t matter how early he turned up, something would inevitably cause him to be late.

05. Money
“I don’t carry money. That means chips are on you m’dear”

06. Aid
Had he been in any state to respond, he would have declared that Jacks method of first aid was highly unorthodox and that his respiratory bypass meant that he didn’t really require mouth-to-mouth...

07. Myth
“But who are you to say I really exist at all? For all you know, it’s just a myth, and I’m nothing more than a dream...”

08. Piece
For every companion that came and left, a little piece of himself went with them, until he realised if he didn’t stop soon he’d be full of holes.

09. Child
It seemed that Rose Tyler was so brave, so loyal, so trusting, he often forgot she was still a child.

10. Confess
If he was honest with himself -brutally honest- he would have to confess there was something there, something that buzzed in the air like electricity and he quite liked it - he just didn’t know what it was.

11. Trick
Occasionally he might see her, on a street corner, in some dingy pub, but he’d cast it off always as a simple trick of the light.

12. Out
As the man took another deep sip of his drink, the doctor couldn’t help but suggest that perhaps he should get out more.

13. Best
“So, not the best plan eh? Still, I’m sure she’ll forgive us and unlock the door eventually...”

14. Mother
He would not delude himself that he could play any part in the child’s life - he gave her the joy of being a mother, and that was all he would ever give.

15. Book
There were thousands upon thousands of books in the library, the only problem was, he’d read them all already.

16. Victim
So this was to be his prison, his final resting place - would anyone ever think back and remember what he had done?

17. Power
“oh, now why’d you have to go and get all power-corrupted like that? Wasn’t it nicer when I didn’t have to destroy you and all your minions?”

18. Redeem
Looking back at the trail of destruction, he wondered if he’d ever redeem himself - and then decided he didn’t really care.

19. Bleak
“Yes, it’s bleak, and there's no shopping and very little entertainment value, but why would you want to leave?”

20. Shrapnel
Even when she thought she might pass out or throw up looking at the steady drip of blood from the wound, the doctor smiled and said “think of it as a really big metal splinter”

21. Humane
He didn’t tell her the way he did it, in the end; She only asked that it be humane, and he complied, the way he always, always would.

22. Anger
He tried to pretend he couldn’t feel her, feel all her emotion, all her excitement, her anger and sadness, but mostly her incredible love.

23. Team
He loathed to think of them as a ‘team’ - he was never much good at sports- besides, who ever heard of a team with only two players?

24. Terror
He might have been making it all up, she later thought - after all, how could anything be that terrifying?

25. Natural
And when she arched her back and moaned his name, he thought to himself that having Rose Tyler and was the most natural thing in the universe.

26. Never
Why she ever put up with Mickey is beyond him; from what he’s seen the guy never appreciated what he had when he had it, and he certainly doesn’t plan on giving it back.

27. Fidelity
Time was a little like the perfect woman, and he was a little like her unfaithful lover.

28. Neglect
Looking back, it wasn’t like he had kept it a secret, he’d just always neglected to tell them.

29. Face
He liked the new face, the extra height and the added quirks, although he approached this incarnations filthy mind with some trepidation.

30. Lurk
Tonight he found himself hoping that perhaps one of the figures lurking in the darkness would just leap out and kill him, and for once he wouldn’t wake up with a new face.

31. Grow
Mickey watched it disappear for the very last time, and for the very first time hoped he would grow to forget Rose Tyler.

32. Skin
She could simply reach out and stroke his skin, and be instantly rewarded when his eyes fluttered closed at her touch.

33. Sick
After a while the ache became less and he could bear to function again, but the thought of the blue-eyed alien would always make him feel slightly sick with want.

34. Dare
He looked her straight in the eyes, the screaming in his soul louder than ever and said quite calmly “Don’t you dare do that again”.

35. Worth
For what it was worth, he could always say he’d tried; Even though it broke his hearts, it was better than nothing.

36. Last
How terrible and great she thought, to be the very last of ones kind, how terrible and great indeed.

37. Year
It wasn’t like a year was terribly long, which might have been why it took him such a long time to realise why it was so important to them.

38. Prime
It was of prime importance that he get this good-bye, not just for her, but for every companion he’d left waiting for him to come back.

39. Taste
She tastes sweet and salty and sour all at the same time, and he decides that Rose is his favourite flavour in the whole universe.

40. Beyond
As his whole body succumbs to the heat and the flame, he looks at her face for the last time and wills her to know that he is beyond her reach now.

41. Final
It was in that moment she knew he must love her, if only for the fact he was saying good-bye.

42. Event
In the event the doctor ever did come back, Jack knew he’d have a hard time choosing between the whole universe and his little corner of Cardiff.

43. Secure
She wraps him in her arms, and frail though they are, he feels secure in the knowledge that for one night he can pretend the world doesn’t need him.

44. Ring
Every now and again, the phone will ring and he’ll hope it’s her on the other end, but it never is, and it never will be.

45. Settle
Even though his head is filled with horror at the thought of settling down, the little voice whispers, “perhaps it won’t be so bad with her...”

46. Energy
Suddenly, the universe tapped his shoulder and told him Rose had become a woman, a beautiful, wonderful, frightening woman with all the energy of the TARDIS flowing through her veins.

47. Center
He takes her to the centre of the galaxy and instantly regrets it as he watches the light of wonder go out in her eyes.

48. Ordinary
There was but one constant in the universe the doctor had learnt after many years; ordinary old tea.

49. Voice
It’s one thing to have a little voice in you head, but the doctor had nine, and that was getting a bit ridiculous.

50. Hang
For the rest of his life the image plays in his head, and he wonders why she could never hang on just a little longer.

1fandom, rose/mickey, jack harkness, rose tyler, mickey smith, angst, tenth doctor, ninth doctor, rose/doctor

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