Dec 10, 2003 22:27
I = shitty teen steryotype. god damnitt, im not even a GOOD teen steryotype! ugh, oh well, it's off to swim practice for me!..... wait..... what? no seriosuly, i have practice in 5 AND A HALF HOURS! this sucks, because i just got out of a swim meet 6 hours ago an i have practice again tomorow at 5:30, so my life is leteraly saturated in chlorine and piss (the two chemical components that make up most swimming pools). i hate 'sports'. But hell, it keeps me thin, and thats all that matters. excuse me as I go and oraly relieve myself of the dinner i had not 10 minutes ago. peace sluts
PS suck my clit, suck it HARD.
PSS the PS applies only to those of you who actualy enjoy football and/or any organized sport on the planet besides the one involving basketball and trampalynzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(sp?)