Well, I hope everyone had a good New Year's Eve. I did! This year is starting off with a feeling there is going to be a lot of hard work to do. The busiest time in my work is December through May (end of year and tax season) so we are pedal-to-the-metal right now. Some fairly major changes are in the near future and I will be working a lot of overtime. While I don't particularly enjoy spending long arduous hours in the crunch machine, you just can't beat that time-and-a-half pay!
I "suggested" to my boss that if The Man wants me to work lots of overtime, he should give me a free parking spot in the ramp for weekend hours. yeah, bitches put out.
The social schedule has filled up this month as well. Plan to see a play, a band and a couple parties. This weekend is a geeky LAN party, which I haven't done in ages. Hopefully, my computer will want to turn on again once I shut it off. (it's been months!) Some where between files of doramas and NEWS video clips, there is gig space for games.
NEWS news: received Feb issue of Wink Up the other day. Tegoshi's butterfly actually looks like a butterfly! While I am proud for him that he drew something identifiable, I am a little disappointed that I didn't get to laugh my ass off at him. *Tego is LOVE*
Twilight update: on page 359 (of 498). This book is boring as fuck. That is my opion at this point. Perhaps the hype is in the last 100 pages, and part of me is hoping so otherwise I will not be purchasing the subsequent volumes.