This morning.
It was very very negative a million degrees cold last night right, and this morning I went to start my car to leave for work. Dead. Wouldn't turn over at all. Luckily
ninja_techhadn't left yet and we tried to jump my car with hers. Sadly, it didn't work, but she gave me a ride to my place of employment downtown. Work was stressful, but when we returned to the apato, the parking lot had been plowed that day.
This means that my car was no longer there. When they plow, they tow. So my car has been towed. It will cost me $300.00 to spring her from car-jail....that is if it even starts in this weather. >_< why is my life full of fail. At least I get paid on friday, but DAMN SON. That's a chunk of change and I don't know if I need a new battery or not. IF the car doesn't do I get it back. *headdesk*
HOWEVER, I get to listen to another wonderfully funny Kei-chan NEWS feat Shige. We still have a Happy Hour to go to tomorrow and This is a 3 day weekend (even if I am going in on sunday). In truelight, I am more upset that I have to waste 300 bucks on something I had no control over. At least I have 300 bucks tho. *smacksabitch*