doll babble

Oct 16, 2010 06:19

So I made Andre a turtleneck yesterday, which I am really pleased with, well except for the whole have to take his head off to put it on/take it off thing. Still, it looks good. I can always fiddle around with the neck to adjust it so I won't have to do that. :) Hurray for old shirts I can cut up, or something.

So I was poking around the net yesterday and found that Medusa at Blueblood has released the standard limited edition of Valentine. I WANT him so bad. I was toying with the idea of either ordering Andre's 'friend' Dani (an Angel of Dream An) or a Kizdoll Deey. Valentine is considerably more than Deey or An, in fact, I could just about get both those boys for what Valentine costs. I really really want Valentine though. *sighs* And hey, he comes with clothes! :D

Dolls are dangerous. And the ones I want, aren't necessarily anything like any of my characters. I haven't decided if this is a good or bad thing.

I should go make a cup of coffee and then go set up the sewing machine. Andre needs more clothes, dammit. Especially pants or a skirt or *something* I also think I'm going to order him another wig, and when we're out today I'm hoping to pick up a set of chalk pastels and some watercolors so I can mess with blushing. I need to also get new elastic for him, which I'll get when/if I get the wig I'm thinking of getting.

In non-doll news, I'm supposed to be going to the Leather Archives today with SAA. My partner is teaching a class at the occult bookstore tomorrow. The closing for the old house is on Wednesday. We need to go out and make sure things are all in order for the closing. Since he's busy tomorrow, it looks like my trip to the Leather Archive with SAA is off. I don't know why I said I was going, I mean, I pretty much knew something would come up so that I wouldn't be able to go. I was also hoping to get a logset for the fireplace this weekend, but I don't think that's going to happen, which kind of sucks, because dude, it's cold outside!

Okay. Enough chatter. Time for coffee & sewing.

daily life, school, andre, hobbies, sewing, coffee, dolls, eccentricities

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