Mar 03, 2006 07:20
We're having company tomorrow and I need to clean, but I'm not. I just got up and haven't even had coffee yet. Coffee shall be made shortly. I got the new Sims expansion pack yesterday and I so want to play it. I wasn't able to yesterday. :( I know, silly thing to be mildly grumpy about. I really need to get the strategy guide for this one. That strikes me as so weird, but the whole business thing is complicated. I did a bit of writing as well. Nothing in any condition to post. Well, one thing, I should post that. Maybe I will. :) The sun is shining. Tonight is date night. I ordered Kallisti's car seat for our trip to Iceland yesterday. Now we don't have to lug the big old regular seat with us if w decide to make business travel a family event. Right, I need to run off and try to get things done before Kallisti wakes up. The most important one being making a nice cup of coffee to enjoy.