Random Post.

Jul 06, 2008 14:09

I just thought I'd post something before I headed off to my next family fun day. The incense I'm burning and the music i'm listening to is making me feel mellow and artsy...lol even though my brain isn't coming up with any concepts on the spot... I can at least put up a little piece of writing I came up with one night... here it goes..

Once again here I am
running the mind race I never win
at the end of my busy day.
Never reaching a finish line.
With no structure or design.
Passing thoughts that scream at you as they saunter by.

I was going to leave it at just that.. but then I starting flipping through my journal and decided to post one of my older pieces...

Traveling down to the inner core,
there, memories, strewn across the floor.
All tucked away in a nice little corner.
All stored away for the little back burner.
and suddenly something triggers a switch
which sends it all flying, and you begin to itch.
'What if?" and 'How come?" encompass your thoughts.
You can't get away, you're completely caught.
Where do you go now?
You can't break a vow...
To deep into bliss,
to consider all this.
There's new reliability, no more potentiality
it's all happened in the past,
I'm sorry, not everything lasts...
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