Oct 13, 2005 22:44
Random-ass. How typically "college" of me... it seems college kids in general overuse the word "random" like mad, and they also have a tendency to add the suffix "-ass" to just about every adjective ever. My point is: I am NO EXCEPTION! So, in keeping with my "OMG I'M IN COLLEGE WOOOOOOOOO!" standing, you get this descriptive gem: RANDOM-ASS. But there's a method to my madness: I'm too brain-fried at the moment to actually write a coherent entry, so I'm all about the random-tidbit (or -ass, if you will) style today. Le w00t.
I left water in a cup for too long, and now it tastes like the cup. OMG EW.
My supervisor's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer on Tuesday. How much cancer do these poor people have to see? He's a pediatric oncology social worker; she works in hospice. So ironically fitting that it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, too. I wish I knew what to say to her, or even to him. Fortunately, they caught it early and prognosis is good. Still, though... I can't even imagine.
I ran for a long time today and now my brain is all sorts of funkyfied-retarded... I think it's because I didn't eat enough beforehand. They didn't have anything good to eat at work, so I was left with completely random-ass remnants of previous meals from which to form some semblance of a lunch. Glazed carrots, weird-tasting muffin, leftover tater tots, and a pear. THAT'LL SHOW ME. I did feel pretty badass on my run, though, especially when I picked it up near the end because I miscalculated the timing horribly and wound up running the last 15 minutes or so in the dark... a scary concept, mind you, when you're a girl and alone on a trail. Not exactly boys'n'the hood material, but still enough to trigger the "omg haul ass or you'll get raped and/or pillaged" defense mechanism.
I don't get to see my darlin' until the last weekend of October. Bless his heart for always having the ability to put things in perspective, though... it could really be so much worse. It's a long distance relationship; we knew it would be tough going into it. I can't uphold him to unrealistic standards, especially when I know full well that he had a life before he met me. I want him to be able to spend time with his family and friends; I just want him to be able to spend time with me more. :D Oh, hedonism... no wait, that's more like plain, good ol' fashioned selfishness. Yeah. :P
I have such mixed feelings about graduation, leaving Columbia and my school and the hospital and moving back home that just thinking about it all makes my head spin.
And now that my head has successfully begun previously anticipated spinnage, I'm out. Like trout, or a baby, or the fat kid in dodgeball. Whichever you prefer.
"Let's make like a tree and... get out of here."