The Weekend!!

Jan 27, 2004 12:30

The past week has been great! i've been in such a good mood. theres a lot of things that are behind me now and im ready start focusing on more important things. :-)

friday night we went to the suicide girls thing in miami. it wasnt THAT cool! the girls werent THAT good looking and the bands that played werent THAT good. i actually had more fun outside drinking and shootin' the shit with meghan waiting in line than i did inside. and of course getting to boogie down is always fun...haha.(the alcohol made me do it, i swear!!)

then on saturday we played the show in coral springs. i had a BLAST!! lots of friends came out and i saw lots of new faces which is always a good sign. i cant wait to get the new EP out there! everyone is gonna flip when they hear it. so anyways, after the show we went to the HILTON with eric of AOB, jon, gabe, jonathan, and jen(too many J's in one room) i had a GREAT time!

then woke up and chilled at the WH for a bit with jeffrey, dro, dreggs and all the tampa crew! thanks to all of them for coming down!! its always cool to see them. everyone from tampa is always so nice!! i wish people down here were nice like that damnit. so after the WH i went to go see BIG FISH!!!!!!!!!! what an amazing movie!! im such a mush, i cried so much.. i recommend everyone going to see it with their family... its a great family flick.

yeah... enough babbling

Thought of the Day:
remember important dates... (i.e KAUNI'S BIRTHDAY!!!!)

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KAUNI!!! i promise i'll make it up to you!
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