Jul 12, 2006 19:58
My subject heading is pretty random but anyone who watched doctor who on saturday should know what im going on about.
My thought on doomsday. Just like i had done at the end of potw, i cried. I was sitting on the sofa holding the pillow and my tissue. I also shouted at the t.v (because im mad) because they never allowed him to say those three words. I hate RTD for that, he only needed a few seconds longer and he could of said it. I never really liked Billie Piper until the last few eipsodes but i thought she did a brillant piece of acting at the end so did David Tennant. I'll be sad to see her go now. But right at the end i amazed to see Catherine Tate standing there. I'm not sure what to expect but i think it will be gripping like the last christmas episode was.
So over all i would have to say that this episode has to be my favourite of the seris. 9 out of ten. (It would of been 10 but those three words that were missing spoilt it abit for me)
Back every day life yr 9 in nearly over. Two weeks left till the summer hoildays and then yr 10. I really miss 9o. I have been with them for 2 years and i'll be sad when we all spilt up. I have found out some of group settings and guess what..... i'm with one of my friends for history, two for maths and god knows about geography.
Other news at school today i was the laughing stock of the whole class just i got sun burnt yesterday at sports day. I have a red face it stings like hell.
I'm going to update more now because i'll have some free time now end of school is nigh.