The Epic Hard Drive Failure

Apr 26, 2008 02:25

Oh woe my hard drive leak of epic proportions! I could do nothing but sit here watching as my memory space slowly leaked away to... "The Very Bad Place That Techies Do Not Speak Of." or otherwise known to the lesser folk as "Omg I Don't Know, But Please Come Back! We've Got Cake!".

Unfortunately, it would not be bribed. Not by cake, or percy pigs, or raspberry tarts. I was very distressed.
I'd deny it all and say I don't know how this came to be; but no, its all my fault I admit it.
Its all a very embarrassing situation involving me, BT, evil uploaders and corrupted fonts of doom. D: I refuse to elaborate.  
Oh my poor poor macbook. So young, so new...I have failed you.
I'm currently running tests on it but the few minutes that it promised to take have lasted about an hour now.
I guess I'll just have to call Apple in the morning.
In the meantime I have Pants, my old laptop. Unfortunately Pants is slowly dying on me as well. I hear can hear its...efforts.
*pets Pants* Please don't die before Leo gets better? Here, have a biscuit. Take two...

rl, randomness

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