Heavy Readers: I need you!

Feb 21, 2011 14:04

Dear readers of "Heavy Lies the Crown:"

I received a review last night that has really got me thinking, wondering, and doubting. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on the matter. Please give your uncensored opinion; I'm not looking for people to jump to the defense of the story. I'd like to have a discussion about this.

So here is the review in its entirety:

Congratulations on finally finishing. I won't be continuing to read - this fic isn't my cup of tea, as I began to recall around Chapter 7 or so. I just can't suspend my disbelief enough; while you might not realise it, the Draco you created (despite your weak explanaiton about him being 'human') is just not believable to me as a love interest.

I've found from long experience that when a man is as callous and disrespectful to one or two women as your Draco is, he lacks respect for all women. It's only his wish to please or gain the affection of some women that makes him treat them better than others. But the inherent disrespect is there, underneath.

I'm not telling you that you're wrong in your characterisation of him; you, like all writers, are entitled to telling the story you want to tell. I just wanted you to know why I was not going to be continuing, since a lot of writers want to know. He just isn't believable to me as a romantic interest for Hermione Granger. I can't feel happy for her loving him, I can only feel apprehension and pity.

I do like one of your fics, though, Red Memory. Good luck with the future.

The review was for chapter 14. I'd like to know your thoughts of Draco in the story up to this chapter. It took me awhile to remember what exactly was going on in these early chapters, but here's a refresher if you need it.

* Carrie has shown up a couple of times so far.
* There has been mention of Draco's non-relationships, that he "has a list of women he could call if he needed a date for an event, and they were usually willing to attend to him afterwards." (chapter 4)
* Draco's relationship with Daphne was mentioned briefly in chapter 4
* In chapter 12, he says, "I have found that acting like you don't care about the women around you, like you aren't interested, works particularly well."

In a discussion last night with a friend about the review, she said that Draco was very self-involved in this story, that he doesn't really see past himself and his issues. That he kinda treated Hermione like most of the women in his life...only difference was that he fell for her. She said he was selfish in his relationships, and that didn't really change. There was no growth in that area.

We talked some more about his relationship with Daphne. I told her that he unselfishly broke up with her because he knew he was too selfish for a relationship. She said he was still selfish because he made the decision, not the two of them together. He didn't think she was worth fighting for.

I'm still digesting all of this, and it's making me second-guess my exchange story. Anyway, I'd just like to see what people think. PLEASE do not worry about my feelings or anything like that. Say what you think, please!

And thank you!
&hearts Floo

discussion, heavy

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