Mar 03, 2005 18:58
my icon is pretty
I liked the student production a lot. I wasn't sure how it was going to be because they've only had outside of school and outside of other rehearsals to work on it. But i liked it a whole bunch. I'm eager to see the rest (which unfortunately won't be until next weekend). I really liked allison's red dress, and i thought that everyone did a very good job, everyone's characters were very well developed. Righto!
I went to rehearsal, and was then told i didn't have to be there until 4:30...i cant drive so i was sorta stranded, couldn;t play the piano because it was in the same room as the people singing "Something Better Than This" (i really like that song). Then we sang rhythem of life 3 times...and left. WOOHOOO i love pointless rehearsals soo sweet! After rehearsal was nice though.
I need to wash my clothes, then pack for this weekend, study for pre calc test, study for french test, and maybe sleep! ohmegosh ...twould be amazing.
ok so today in chem i got back at those mean whores that make me feel like an idiot, well it at least made me feel better (and slightly immature but who really cares). I was looking atthe grades, and usually they're all "man i have a 92%...i'd hate to have lower than a B..i'd think i'd kill myself hahahah..." SO today i look and i'm back up to a 73 or something, and i go "hahahaha who in this class has a 95???! man they must have NO life hahaha. i bet they just go home and read that book and study all night long cuz they have nothing better to do" (or something along those lines). i felt so cool. And then in our lab today these genius boys were all "oowow *in nerdy voice* i got a 19% error mrs osada *acting all smart and special*" and i go " *ahem*...yah....i got an 8% error" and they're all "what?!! how did you get that??!" and i reply " i guess i'm just that awesome and a super genius" muahahahah!!!!! take that stupid nerdy boys with shorts that go above their knees, over sized glasses. who just go home and study and read the chemistry honors book and then talk to their internet girlfriends that think they're super hot jocks.
WoOt for lotr shirt and evanstar necklace.
~Mia Rose