Sep 09, 2005 21:18
Well, I haven't updated in a while... I suppose it's time. Aside from school starting, my life pretty much sucks as usual. Boring, depressing & lonely. You know, the usual. Philosophical discussions may perk my interest here and there, but I'm just depressed as hell right now. Surprisingly, going back to school has kept my spirits up a bit for the past few days. I don't know anymore, I just suppose I have to figure out who now.. this is so hard, I'm confused about who. What do I do? I still keep thinking about giving up, tonight especially after royally pissing my parents off, and vise versa. Help me here, I don't know what to do anymore...
But enough of the shitty news, first day of classes was today, and it was sweet. I surprisingly have most of the classes I want, which happen to be:
1. Math 2H - Smith
2. Band - Ferris (duH)
3. AP European - Musselman
4. Sacred Sript/Bookshare - Connely
5. Chemistry H - Guanera (ugh...)
6. Gym/Study Hall - Mattioli/Musselman
7. Spanish 3R - Doc.
8. English 10H - Shooker!
I think this year is going to be a good year, at least academically, maybe not entirely, but whatever.
See ya in schooL!