Stealing quizes and such is fun!!

Aug 22, 2005 20:14

YAY!! First day of Kodak Concert Band again! It twas sweet. I got to play TENOR!! Yay for sight reading EVERYTHING we played. I feel special being the only tenor now. Uhh yeah Becki didn't have the greatest idea playing frisbee in the Kodak parking lot... yeah, attracted some attention there...

Yes, we're going to the Yummy House next year for Jazz Band dinner. Seth can go to salvatores, darn Bari players... drooling all over their SAT tests, and the stage, eww.

w00t! Tomorrow is BIG BROTHER DAY!! (or Frosh orientation for the newbies, fun, fun.)

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
J's DiseaseCause:overconsumption of absintheSymptoms:extreme flacidity, vague vegetarianism, occasional chi imbalanceCure:attempt to repeat cause

I am 64% Evil Genius.

Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.
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Evil Genius Test
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Informationi floodmaster699 is a restricted area. Authorised personel only

I am 11% White Trash.

I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.
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White Trash Test
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Floodmaster699 HighwayPaintown6Dumpsville17Bankruptcity59Lake Love136Childbirth Hospital218Please Drive CarefullyWhere are you on the highway of life?

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