Flattering, but I truly look like a psychotic murderer.

Aug 21, 2006 10:03

It's a bunch of crap, but at least it's a bit of a boost, no? Apparently my male look-alikes include Brad Pitt, Val Kilmer and Christian Slater. HAHAHA!


I mean, the program itself is clever, the way it can tell where your face is in a photograph and stuff, but the only celebrity I actually look like (and it's quite scary) is Louise Woodward, the woman who got accused of murdering the babies she was looking after, about eight years ago. You probably wouldn't be able to see the resemblance from my pic here, but if you've seen me in RL you'll probably find the resemblance a bit creepy - I definitely do!

I remember in year 8/9 at school SO many people thought I was her. Which is stupid, really. Why would a woman being accused of murder be sat in a maths classroom with a bunch of thirteen year olds, and walking around in a bright purple school uniform?
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