[Hikaru no Go] Fic Repost: All my blind_go fics

May 08, 2012 22:46

Happy belated Hikago day! I didn't do to celebrate anything this year, although I've been reading the fics from the latest round of blind_go and the Let's Five meme at the Dreamwidth community and enjoying it muchly.

One boring thing I did finally remember to do, though, was upload all my old blind_go fics to my ff.net account:

Two by Four (blind_go round 1)
Waya wakes up beside Touya, and Hikaru wakes up beside Isumi. Much argh is had. 620 words.

Blind Going In (also round 1)
Touya plays a game of go with a blind man. This version has been edited down a bit from the original version posted on blind_go. 1423 words.

Across the Board (round 2) 
Eight minor characters, eight hosts for Sai. 975 words.

Go Wars (round 4) 
On the planet Tokyooine, our young hero Shindou Hikaru lives in happy ignorance of the evil Institute and its nefarious grip on the galaxy's Go. Until one day he meets a ghost of the Old Republic.... Still sadly unfinished, and likely to stay that way. 2556 words.

Blind Woe (round 5) 
Weekly Go is celebrating its 15th Anniversary with an essay contest! The topic of the essay: an experience that changed your go. All submissions must be typed and double-spaced. A parody of the blind go challenge itself. Will hopefully finish this one day. 11,732 words.

Fine China (round 9) 
Isumi and Waya in China, and the walls growing between them. Angsty pants. 989 words.

An Exorcism (round 10) 
A priestess labours to exorcise a ghost on behalf of her client, a housewife in Tokyo. She does not know the ghost, nor does she care to. 1530 words.

I'm not going to bother posting these on my LJ, so the final versions of these fics will all live on ff.net. Hurray for the Pit! 

blind_go, fanfic, hikaru no go

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