Acapela Text to Speech Synthesis Demo Type in some text, hit a button, and voila! the program will say whatever you wrote with almost natural (if emotionless) pronunciation and intonation. What's cool about this particular program is that it's got quite a few different language settings, so you can listen to German and Swedish and Arabic and so on! And while it doesn't have, say Australian English, it does have Canadian French for some reason! You can also find out what a keyboard mash sounds like! alifae;flijsefl;jaes;lfjsfe;!!!!!1
I probably wouldn't recommend this site to ESL students because it still has too many glitches, but you can see how cool this technology might be in a few years!
Howjsay.comBritish English pronunciation dictionary. No definitions, just pronunciation. You can search for both words and sentences (it'll find the closest match).
Mwwaah, it used to be that you just had to hover your mouse over a word and a you'd hear a soundbyte, but now you have to click on a word and load up a new page. Puuuuuuh. But it's still a pretty cool site. For some reason "kamehameha" is an entry in there.