Exchange on the Big Bridge - fic and art!

Oct 18, 2019 22:14

The fic and art for Exchange on the Big Bridge have been revealed :)

I received two lovely gifts!

That Imperial Witch, a piece of FF6 fanart by CorpseBrigadier
Terra, being floaty and Amanoesque

Rays of Hope, an FF6 fic by Siver
Not everything can be so simple. A night in Mobliz and a talk while Terra wrestles with her feelings.

And I wrote a fic!

More Than Mere Etiquette
Cyan attempts to teach Gau table manners, but Gau ends up teaching him a thing or three.

This was not an FFVI-only challenge, or even an FF-only challenge--it just happened that all my involvement ended up being FFVI-related :D

'Twas a fun exchange! Nice and low-key, and really well-run. Hats off to sunberry for organizing!

This entry was originally posted at Comment here or there - it's all good.

final fantasy 6, fanfic, fanfic rec, fanart rec, exchange on the big bridge

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