i just can't help myself

Dec 08, 2007 04:00

Quick Basics
1. Name: you know
2. Age: 19
3. Location: Read

Down To The Good Stuff
4. What are some of your goals in life?: get married, have kids, graduate, travel, get a dog, be on The Price Is Right
5. Do you actually have these on a list like on a Walk To Remember?: a mental list
6. How many have these have you actually accomplished?: none that I mentioned so far, but I did go to the Smithsonian, which was one of my earliest goals in life
7. Which is really important to you, love or money?: love
8. If you have something important to say to a friend, say it here?: I really appreciate you guys more than I probably tell you.
9. What is your biggest fear?: spiders
10. What is your earliest childhood memory?: the cherry tomato incident/picking strawberries with my grandpa
11. Whom do you hate more than anyone?: I don't hate anyone anymore
12. Would you kill him/her?: n/a
13. Whom do you love more than anyone?: if you're reading this, you know the answer
14. Would you die for him/her?: it depends. i'm getting better when it comes to him.
15. Share a secret that not many people know.: i'm on academic probation?
16. How many times have you had sex?: 0
17. With how many people?: n/a
18. Would you have sex with someone you didn't love?: i have no intention to, but you never know what's going to happen in the future
19. Have you ever seriously considered getting a sex change?: despite the hell that is having a period, i do NOT want to be a boy

If You Had To Choose, Would You Rather..
21. Not be with your true love or live with them and never get married?: live with them
22. Be hated and never forgotten or loved and never remembered?: loved
23. Live forever and be blind or live to be 65 with all your sense intact?: 65. i don't want to live forever. that would suck.
24. Erase your bad memories or keep them as lessons?: erase
25. Never have sex again or lose a limb?: can i lose like an ear or something? i don't want to lose a leg, and i need both my arms for guitar hero
26. Watch 96 hours straight of The Wiggles or eat a jar of mayonnaise?: the wiggles. unless, as neenee said, i would get to eat the mayonnaise with other food over a period of time
27. Rob a bank with a highlighter or go into a shark tank with a sausage?: hmm...probably the shark tank

Dishing More Dirt
28. How many illegal drugs have you done (including alcoholic beverages)?: alcohol
29. Have you ever purposely overdosed on a prescription med?: no
30. Have you ever taken prescription meds that weren't yours?: that's common practice in my family. don't go to the doctor, just take someone's medicine from the last time they had what you have
31. Does your family have a history of alcoholism/drug use?: alcoholism
32. Are you planning to experiment in college or did you?: with what?
33. Have you ever had an eating disorder?: not really
34. Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?: sort of
35. How did you get out of it if you did?: i just broke it off. but he chased me down a year later and gave me a black eye. i gave him one in return.
36. Do you see love like a drug?: for me, most definitely
37. What song describes you in this moment?: "Crazy For This Girl". If you change girl to guy.
38. Who inspires you to better yourself?: my little sister. we're pretty competitive. i like proving that she sucks more than i do.
39. Are you an optimist, a pessimist or a realist deep down?: i'm an optimistic realist pretending to be a pessimist who's pretending to be an optimist. or something like that.
40. Do you believe in fate?: yup
41. If so, then where do you think it's gonna take you?: hopefully soon

42. Ever had a funny thought and laughed and no one understood you?: constantly

Enter your answers into a Google image search. Post pictures from the first results page.

Age on next birthday:

LJ is being dumb and not letting me insert pictures. It was an interstate 20 sign.

Place you'd like to travel:

A green map of France.

One of your favorite places:

The Montreal skyline.

Favorite animal:

A yellow lab pup with "your logic makes the puppy sad" written on the picture (I googled "puppy")

Place you were born:

Strangely enough, "Anderson, Indiana" turned up a picture of the Christmas tree made of lights in Indy.

Name of your pet:

a police car (Pacer)

Your middle name:

a shirtless guy named Michael Bergin

Your first job:

a half-eaten burger that apparently had a wrapper inside it from Wendy's

Your current job:

a question mark

Plans for tonight:

a big collage of musical characters

Your weakness:

emo glasses
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