(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 19:12

tonight is my last night in paris. no sleeep, no tv, no decent food, just beer. pretty much the def of this trip so far. i might be losing more weight or my clothes are streching really bad

oog the keyboards here suck im gonna type like i feel try to translate : hey everyone im hqving q greqt ti,e in pqirs! everyone here is super nice qnd i, in q crqppy pqrt of the neighborhood so everything is cheqp especiqlly the beer qt the grocery store; everyone drinks wine but ive ,eet two bqdqss irish boys qnd they enjoy tqlking qbout beer; drinking beer; qnd singing irish drinking songs. id hqve pictures but ,y digitql cq,erq got stolen the night before ive left so ive only got the cheep cq,erqs fro, the drugstore. ,issing so,e of you

love: ,qggie

A = q
m = ,
w = z

those three letters really fuck shit up
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