Mar 10, 2005 21:10
the oc was lacking tonight i think everyone can agree, but the highlight of my week honestly was seeing the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith trailor. HOLY CRAP you have no idea how excited and giddy it made me. i was sitting on the couch lightsaber in hand waiting for it to come. complete silence as it played. then me jumping around off and onto the love seat saying "i wanna be a jedi master i wanna be a jedi master." my mom shunned me and made a wicked sassy comment to me. Jimmy SMitts from NYPD Blue is in the new star wars too. its just star studded.
i realize im a geek and i lack self confidence. these things excite me. i know living in my parents basement is in the future, but now im living on the first floor and i am content with that.
my house has heat again the furnace is working strong. the guy who fixed it wife was my babysitter all through grade school and i would chilll with their family everyday for a few hours. we did arts and crafts, ice skating, ect ect. she sent over a placemat i made in '92 all laminated and such. its horrendous i had the motor skills of a cat who eats paint chips and warm tuna. but it was weird because that was 13 years ago. and im 18. it kinda just hit like 16 months late how "old" that really is. back in the day i would be married to someone and apprentacing to be a butcher or blacksmith or a candlestick maker. college letters are coming in two weeks and i am terrified. its why all this moody contemplative emo thought process has come about. im letting this be too big a thing in my life.
lily's release about being the last show hit me too. not cause im deep rooted in nda plays but the fact is that i will never be on stage like that again probably. there is spring show yes. but college? is that really in the cards for me ever? even college plays, especially if i go to ny theater majors are gonna dominate obviously. oh life.
easter candy is the best holiday candy ever. many holidays focus on giving candy. halloween is just smaller sized regular candy. chirstmas people get more excited over preasants and leave the candy to mold in their stockings, valentines day. well. thats not my forte so i shouldnt comment.
i am a loser i talk about star wars and candy nonstop. so im going to stop. peace. love. holla!