Sep 21, 2004 17:18
Dear Whomever
i write this in assumption that i will receive help for my thoughts of wisdom, or my useless words. I insist that you help me, for that i may regrete to inform you later on that life has before our very eyes. We may laugh at temporary happiness, we may cry in times of pain, but what i write now, comes from the very depths of the heart, and soul. What dreams may come, please share it with the rest of us. What we may learn later in life, whethere it be from friends, or enemies.
Let this momentary silence be a lesson, think about the future and also the past. Moments of heartbreak leaves a scar in your inner heart, but please, tomorrow's another day. Dont cry about the past, or a past loved one, you will one day see them again, if your willing.
I write this to you in amazment, in guilt, in anguish, in pity, and in sorrow. If you need to cry, cry, dont be scared to do so. Act out, dont be shy, you'll learn more, from yourself, and from others.
Friends will come and go, ive seen the very best leave, and ive left the very best. Good bye is not forever my friends, when it is time to leave...let it go, and embrace the end...cause at one point or another...a friend will might
as for countdown countinues till i leave VA Beach, i will not say my final good byes yet...but when the time comes, let us remember......................
Sincerly....Kevin Hulse