[PUBLIC] Hulk Arts Fest!

Jul 09, 2013 21:33

Hulk Art Fest

It begins! For the write up, please check out this post to read the backstory.

So another post is needed, because now I need requests. Yes! Request ALL the things!

I will draw ANYTHING. Please give me lots to draw. I don't promise it'll be perfect - far from it, the whole idea of this is that it's about me getting better - but I'm willing to try. And if you hate it? Tell me! I'll draw it again!

I've drawn the following before:
- Horses/equine beasties (inc. Pegasus & alicorns)
- MLP style ponies
- Pokemon
- Chibi people

I'm happy drawing:
- Animals
- Original characters
- Canon characters
- Pokemon
- Monsters
- Animal Crossing Mayors
- Anything? I'd probably struggle with cars but I'll try!!

But I want requests for ANYTHING. Eight legged dragon-griffon hybrid? BRING IT ON.

All I ask is you go hop skip to my handy Google Docs form and fill it in. Don't be shy! It's just 2 questions and you get free stuff - excellent, eh?

Either way, please share this lots so I can get better at art by drawing things you fabulous people request.

Thanks LJ babbies ❤

This is cross-posted a million places: sorry if you see it more than once!

(Proper update on Thursday :3)

activity: art

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