Wow. I feel like my life is really boring then I look back at the last couple of months/weeks and I'm proven wrong. I guess I just measure happiness differently. I'm thinking of social achievements like making people like me but I'm going to give up quite soon. It's no use trying to be like my friends because my upbringing was fucked up so there's no way I can be like them. Being anti social is just who I am. I'm neither cheerful nor funny but I have a sense of humour and I'm good at helping people. I'm not the one to say something that makes them laugh, I'm the one they can come to for advice and answers. Isn't that just as valuable? The people who really know me know that despite my independence I really value my friends and that I'm loyal to the very core. I've always been proud of that, so why am I constantly trying to change?
I am so so tired of analysing everything. It's a freaking wonder my head hasn't exploded yet!