UPDATED: Nothing About You is Typical.

Jan 22, 2009 01:39

So I found these elusive little gals at a local Walmart. They serve as both retail therapy and birthday presents for myself. I'm especially pleased with Wild Life Sasha...

Dance Crewz is sick. All of the dolls should have been styled like her and Jade. I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking with Yasmin's outfits. Pointe slippers...seriously? Sasha is so hood, and I'm lovin' it. The pseudo-part in her afro is what makes me love her the most. The face-up is nice, but not my favorite.

Ain't she a beaut? Her eyeprint is a bit queer for my taste, but her lips are a lovely russett color and it pairs nicely with her hair. The front has thin pale blonde highlights, and the rest is a dark chocolate color (not quite black). Her hair is soft, but I haven't determined if it's saran yet. I'm going to reset it so it doesn't look a bird's nest. I'm a perfectionist like that, so I don't think most of you will really fuss over her hair...it's really nice as is.

Together, they could hardly even be called Sashas. They don't even look like relatives! Clearly, two very different Sashas catering to completely separate palates. I'm more partial to the glam aspect of Wild Life, but my hood side appeals very much to Dance Crewz' gear. All four of their outfits are well made. The only difference is that WL Sasha's belts are separates, while DC Sasha's are constructed as part of the bottoms.

I have absolutely no problems with buying whole dolls or sets for a pair of shoes. I have a doll shoe fetish, Bratz not excepted. Dance Crewz' default pair are high top Puma/Vans/Jordans-inspired. VERY hip hop, right down to the color scheme. Her alternate pair are flat Chucks-style, and are totally blah. Is it just me, or is MGA scaling down Bratz feet with every single release? These shoes are tiny-ish compared to...say Kiani's shoes. Hmm.

K yah, so I hope you enjoyed. My pix sucked, I hate doing reviews, but I know very few have even seen these chicas in person yet, so cheers to you all. Mwahz, betches.
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