people do die of broken hearts

Jun 26, 2008 09:41

my mother is a mess.

its really heart breaking you know.. when she talks about only leaving this house under a white sheet. thats funny to her apparently. she is so caught up in her misery.. i cant handle it. she is so stuck in it. she doesn't want to see anyone who is happy because it reminds her that she used to be happy.. and that its over. she is dying of a broken heart. apparently there is no life after divorce, not for her at least. there is nothing i can do to make her happy. i try everything i can. i come up with projects we can do together, try and find her hobbies to get into. all she says is "No Sash.. thats just a temporary fix." .. i don't think a permanent fix exists.. if i'm wrong please let me in on the secret.. my mother needs it.

there is never good news. nothing is good news. i blame news12 for that.. maybe if the news wasn't always about robbery and mass murder maybe she could find some hope.

she drinks wine to the point of stumbling and falling down every night. she says its because she has low iron.. for that you drink one glass, not one bottle. i think she buys the bigger bottles so that she doesn't see how much shes actually drinking.
she chain smokes now. sits outside coughing her lungs out as she lights the next one. that seems wrong to me. she wakes up coughing and coughs all day and shes smoking more than ever. maybe shes aiming for lung cancer. i don't even know anymore.

9:47 am she finally pulled herself out of bed this morning..
9:50 am cough-lights one up-more coughing.. she'll smoke 3 before she does anything else.

i'll have to write a book about her one day. you only read about people like this in books. who knew this actually happened to people, to mothers, to my mother.

waking up in the morning is a disappointment to her.
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