Jan 03, 2005 00:30
Today I am updating my journal for the first time in a while. It took me forever...okay 21 minutes...to find my password and log on- re-read my previous enteries and discover that I am a loser. No just kidding. 23 minutes to find my password. Why is life so frustrating? I was watching Don Juan Demarco today and he said something that made me think/want to puke/want to be loved. He says, There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio.
1. What is sacred?
2.Of what is the spirit made?
3.What is worth living for, and
4.what is worth dying for?
The answer to each is the same: only love.
Yes. See. That's really corny. Thus- while I was trying to keep my gag reflex to a minimum, I thought..."Wow. What if love is the right answer?"
I watched two Johnny Depp movies today. Don Juan and Secret Window. Sometimes I wish I were not Elena but someone completely different, someone a little more exciting, a little more brave. Today I wanted to be Johnny Depp. The thing is...if I was someone completely--- OH FUCK. Someone just called my cell phone and was like, "THIS IS A STRANGE PHONE CALL." Okay first of all. Please never never start off a phone call like that. It makes me feel strange. Turns out I had text messaged a friend saying "Happy New Year" but I sent it to the wrong number. So she was calling to see if the happy new year was intended for her or for my friend. Well it was for my friend but fuck it,now the message can be for you. Actually wait. No. I want you to HAVE AN AWFUL NEW YEAR. (People.)
I've actually been in a similar situation. It was the first day I got my cell phone. A little envelope appeared on my screen. I was so delighted to recieve a text message. I opened it up and it said, "I LOVE YOU." I didn't recognize the number. So I called it back and said, "Excuse me, but I think you love me. You sent me a text message saying so." And to that the WOMAN replied,"Oh no that was for my boyfriend, wrong number." Yes. Ah, punch in the stomach.
well, i must go because i am contemplating life with stuart.
p.s. yeah if i was johnny depp, i probably wouldn't even be happy then. grrr.