
Oct 06, 2005 22:24

S                        S                                s                            s                      s


Today made me happy. Other than the whole...'work' thing. Psh. Work. I had my first writer's group!!! Which really just consisted of Malarie and Aja talking to me about my story. But it was MUCH needed and appreciated.


It was unbelievably wonderful to hear Mal explain my story. Unbelivably, I tell you. It made me feel as though my story was actually a story which could be explained. *chills*. I FREAKING LOVE WRITING!!!!!!

And then, Mal told me that her sister picked it up and read it,and liked it, which gladdens me up a whole lot more. (that's right, gladdens).


You guys have NO IDEA how much it helped me to have you talk with me about it. None, I say.


I am going to look through the story before I got to bed and read all of Mal's written comments...and think of things to change/format in word architecture...


If anyone else would like to read my story and give me comments as well, that

would rock. If all goes well, I should have it finished by the end of the school year, or summer and I will then begin sending it to publishing houses.

I will publish this baby.

I am so excited....................................................................
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