Well actually it's two days after but who is counting?
So after watching the new ep and commenting on my dear flists posts it's time for mine right? Right! So let's have it!
First I want to say that it's good to have our boys back! I missed them and so did my muse!
Okay, so what did we have today?
[You know you want it] Banter between our boys? Yep: This ep was full with some lovely Merthur moments, be it Merlin's glistening eyes after he saw Arthur's death or their talk by the fire and the cuddling together (and the hand over the mouth! The hand!) but there was something that got in the way, at least for me, and I do believe I mentioned it before but I'll say it again: How come Merlin is still a servant? I mean, it's really, really not fair, if Arthur can make a servant as his queen he can definitely make one as his adviser and I don't care that he doesn't know about Merlin's magic! Why does his magic have to be part of it? Merlin has done enough even without the magical part of his job. He has been by Arthur's side for the last eight (at least by my count, we had four seasons and a 'year' between two and three and now three between four and five) years and never once did it occur to Arthur to reward him? Annoying.
Half naked Gwaine and Percy? Definitely yep. Doesn't anybody thought about the fact that once we will have these two without their shirts on we won't be able to concentrate on what is actually going on with the plot? Oh well, I'm sure there was nothing important going on there ;)
Morgana sneaking around and making evil plans? Yep. She is still up to her old tricks huh? Can someone buy her something colorful for her boring castle? All that black and grey is sooo ugly!
A traitor? Yep. But this one was quite pathetic, I was sure we were going to have another Agravaine case on our hands but then Gwen (to my utter surprise) found her! Within the first ep as well! OMG! She isn't just a pair of boobs!
Now to things that amused me a lot: #Juggling!Merlin- This has got to get a fic! I mean come on! Merlin has got to be in a circus with this talent! He must! #Net scene- I flailed and screamed during the whole time! Once again this must have a fic! #Indiana Jones and the crystal skulls- That is the only thing that went through my mind when I saw that E.T thingy saving Gwaine. #Mordred- Err.... I'm not too sure about him...On the one hand it's Mordred and I'm pretty sure that by 'Arthur's bane' they mean him but on the other hand he looks so cute! How can he hurt anyone? Asa had a more sinister look on him even though he was only a kid, this one...don't know, I don't get any Evil-vibes from him.
So that's that on the first ep, all in all it was okay, not too grand, not too shabby, just a season opening.
And to encourage you all, here is the second part trailer: