hello old friend...

Dec 19, 2008 12:27

well it figures an very rainy day would cause me to reflect over the past year and what i can remember from it. not much goes on in my everyday life, well not enough to post on a regular basis, but i feel a year in review is probably in order...so here it goes. i am going to do this in note form because well its easier to post about situations and then expand on them...well easier for me anyway and it is my journal so i do what i want hahahha....

- went to vegas in april - what an experience. not only did i win a shit ton of money but that place is great. the weather was perfect, not to hot, and the casinos are awesome. highlights from the trip were obviously winning a lot of money and being hit on by a prostitute. it was just funny the whole situation, so lame hahahah.
- got a new car in may - for the first time i bought a car that i wanted. one with 2 doors, and one that looked fun to drive. my winnings in vegas paid for most of the car so the price didnt really matter. i love driving this car and i like how i look in it, you figure by my fifth car i would finally get it right.
- got into a relationship for the first time in 3 years - thats right i put myself back out there with this girl and it was great...for the two months we were dating. ugh. relationships are the worst to try and figure out. apparently i have this problem of being to nice when i am in a relationship...my girlfriend at the time complained to her friends that i opened the car door for her...so sorry for being polite. note to self in the future i will have to be a complete horses ass to sustain a relationship for a long amount of time and ignore whatever girl i am with because apparently they like that...
- did my second suicide boys set - it had been over a year since my first set and i felt the time was right to do it again. it is fun posting pictures of yourself on the web and seeing peoples reactions. most are surprised and then some friends see it and are intrigued about how different you are than what they think. i also like having the pictures taken because it gives my friends who like to take pictures something to do hahaha.
- was the best man at my best friends wedding - that was incredible. just the experience alone and seeing how happy he was made it awesome. it really made me rethink getting married and all of that. i have never been one for marriage because of my past experience of being engaged and then seeing the heartache my mom went through over the past year with her divorce just soured me on the whole prospect. however being part of that wedding this year and seeing how happy some people can be...well maybe there is hope. also my best man speech was legendary...
- saw a psychologist - this was a big step for me. no i dont think i am damaged or need a lot of help really. it was more to get an outside opinion on some stuff that was really bothering me. plus it was free from work so how could i not take advantage of that?? of course we all have friends we can go to and talk to but our friends know us and know what we want to hear. they also have real biased opinions and want to tell you what is best for you in their eyes. seeing a psychologist gave me that third party input and really helped me with some tough situations that i was dealing with.
- my grandmother passed away - this was very tough because one week she was good and the next week she was gone. she had pancreatic cancer and once it hit it was over. this was the first time i had lost someone close in my life. i had lost a grandfather before but i was in college and he was divorced from my grandma and i didnt see him over the past few years of his life. that didnt have the effect that this had on me. i saw my grandma many many times each and every month. this was my mom's mom too so going through the divorce and then having this happen, well rough is an understatement. i cried for the first time in well i can't remember. i miss her everyday and wonder how my grandpa is still going.
- had my dermabrasion surgery - this was just recently as i am still sitting at home recovering. this will end up being one of the best decisions i have ever made. for over 10 years i have been so self conscious about my face and how i look. i have no self confidence and never approach girls, which is why i am never in a relationship. already i can tell that my shin looks 100 times better and i feel better about myself. i will never ever question someone that wants to get plastic surgery to make themselves feel better as long as they know all of the risks. it is your body and you do what you want, just like it was my face and i di what i wanted.

those are pretty much the highlights. like i said besides all of that i worked a lot and went to a lot of baseball, football and hockey games. i do not make new years resolutions but i am looking forward to a new year and what it may bring. so yeah year in review 2008, it went by way to quick...
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