(no subject)

Nov 04, 2004 22:39

Bush. what do we do now that republicans control all three branches?? can't that be devastating to the country? it seems so wrong that there's nothing to override that, especially since half the nation is NOT republican. there are so many things wrong w/ electoral college too. ;alsdkjfas

umm so my ipod is fricked up. im slightly upset about that. i read over the whole warranty cuz i was so mad. ill prob have to get another one for 300... where will i get the $.

not goin to gonzaga college in washington.

visiting some colleges over end of term break -- dunno whereto go tho, mother is psycho and yells at me all the time about how i need to be looking more. I DONT KNOW YET. i just dont know. ;akdsjf damnit.

im in a bad mood. but tomoros friday!? i should be happy

but i AM happy that me and al are goin to peggy's tomoro morn for breakfast. terrific
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