Oct 20, 2004 12:12
ok starting w/ yesterday morning--- dance wasfun actually! barely anyone there, and we chose to go. thennn i had to work 1:30-5 nothing cool there, then me and shannon met at caribou and on the way back she hadleaves all overher car and as she was driving she had her arm out the window picking them off. i was laughing so hard. thenn we got some ppl to come over for a bonfire. superfun adam and corI played their guitars and FRUIT DIP and we ate a lot and adam/kevin/jeff/some others switched the kerry/bush posters in our neighbors' yard.... holy crap.how awesome i should go see if they figured it out yet. hm we watched eurotrip. lots of boobs... haha i cant remember much else. oh ben threw a full pop can into the fire and i guess it created a huge sticky mist orsomething. i dunno i was inside. cool sounding tho.
and TODAY i have nothing. no hw, no work. what shall i doo???