Oct 23, 2004 00:02
the grudge -- scury movie yo. theater was packed fun times. cept it ended like halfway thru the story so there is sure to be a sequel. heck yes. CAROS IS MY SAVIOR cuz she came w/ me. i would have been so sad w/ my fam. so again it was us and our sisters. so strange. freshman are annoying as ass.
i cant believe we still have 2 more days left....mmm i love mea. fuck yea i need to see team america. gah tomorohave ballet at 11. NO iloveno dance on weekends. damnit. thats ridiculous thatwehave tomakeup ballet classes... i dont agree w/ that system. at all. they have monopoly over us. i want to rebel. AND i want to stab thisspace bar cuzithates me.
well then. i guess i shallgo.
roll out