12th Star

Oct 21, 2011 16:40

[Well, this is embarrassing.  Despite what a certain Falenan knight told a certain tactician at homecoming - no, Lyon never had any formal training in how to dance, and it is not at all like the footwork involved in swordplay.  She did manage to get a bit of dancing in with the Prince, but took a rather unfortunate spill a few songs in and twisted her ankle.  Over the ensuing week, Lyon can be found at home and around town dealing with this in a number of ways.]

1. [Action; 747 Patridge; Sunday through Tuesday]

[Lyon knows enough about basic medicine to know two things about a sprained ankle: one, the best thing you can do is to elevate it and keep it on ice, and two, since it's really just torn ligaments out of place and not an actual wound, her Shield Rune isn't going to be much use in fixing it.  Housemates will find Lyon pouting and trying to just relax and take it easy around the house most of the time.  She's still sleeping in her bed, but is very careful on her way down the stairs and spends a good deal of the day lying on the couch with her foot propped up on a pillow.  By Tuesday, the monotony of not really being able to do much but sit around eating cereal and watching TV is really starting to get to her.]

2. [Action; around town and Mayfield High; Wednesday]

[Today would have been the third day of missed school if Lyon had elected to stay home anymore, and she isn't willing to take that risk.  She knows it would end up with her being droned, and who knows, maybe her drone wouldn't have known about the sprained ankle.  Far too risky, so she's sucking it up and trying to make it through a normal day.  And because Lyon is stubborn, she's sort of half-limping along all day in an effort to tough things out.  She's rested her ankle for a couple of days by this point, so everything should be fine, right?]

3. [Action; around town; Thursday and Friday]

[Wrong.  Turns out you really shouldn't try to push things before you're fully recovered from something like this.  So by Thursday, Lyon's making her way around school on crutches.  Her stubbornness the day before is probably going to push full recovery back a couple of days, and while she could probably get away with taking the rest of the week off school again and just going back Monday, Lyon is nothing if not diligent in her studies and doesn't want to fall behind in her meaningless Mayfield classes.  She's getting around well enough, but things like opening the bathroom door so it doesn't swing back and hit her while she makes her way through and getting her tray to a table at lunch are proving to be something of a challenge.]

caesar was right

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