down with people

Sep 23, 2006 13:12

Where to start... Matt? Well his new job has him so busy that he keeps forgetting about me. Last weekend it became apparent that he forgot what day of the week my birthday was, because he was telling me what his plans were for that day. We had maybe-plans to see a movie tonight... But he went and agreed to babysit for that fucking family that sucks all his time up. As if I didn't see him enough, he decided to keep his city art class job despite the fact he already works 5 days a week full time. Brought me along car-shopping and completely ignored everything I said, and made the stupidest STUPIDEST decision ever. Didn't even go home and pretend to think about it. Just made it clear that it didnt really matter what I said to him.

My parents? I came home last weekend to screaming, literally, the second i walked in. I went out friday night and sat in a parking lot crying. Because that's what cool people do on Friday nights. I came home this weekend expecting a little nice something from my parents... Thursday night my mother told me she was going with my brother to pick up food from this Chinese mall (a job which requires only one person) so I assumed she was picking up my cake as well because she's always talking about this new bakery at that mall which has really nice cakes, and how she wants to try one. Last night I got home, and I looked in the fridge, and of course there is no cake, but why should I expect anything else from the people who invited my brother's girlfriend to my birthday dinner, but didn't care to invite Matt.

And then my father decided he wanted McDonald's today for lunch. He's got these coupons, buy 1 get 1 free. I'm standing there with my brother, and he goes to my brother, "Want a sandwich from Mcdonald's?"... My brother told him no, so my dad was like "oh, okay," turned around, and walked away. Not that I wanted McDonald's...just uh..hello? I'm fucking right in front of you.

I don't know why I'm surprised at my parents anymore. I'm more surprised at Matt, and I've been in the shittiest mood for the past couple weeks because things have been rough. Throw in the fact that my friend is being a superhugebitch just because I enjoy hanging out with someone OTHER than her, and I've got a fantastically positive social atmosphere lately.

I've decided I hate people. Not decided. Reaffirmed. I've always hated them. But we all knew that.
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