Mème des pairings, jour 22

Dec 13, 2010 09:07

22. A pairing a lot of people ship but you don't
Hum, ce n'est pas facile de choisir.
Par exemple, dans Harry Potter, toutes les combinaisons possibles de Harry, Hermione, Draco... oh, et on peut rajouter Snape, tiens. ^^
Ce sont tous des gros ships (sauf peut-être Snape/Draco), il y en a même sur lesquels j'ai lu des bonnes fics, mais elles ne m'ont jamais convaincue à long terme.

Autres choix : Zuko/Katara (Avatar the Last Airbender), House/Cuddy (House MD)

01. Favorite het pairing : Kenshin/Tomoe (Rurôni Kenshin)
02. Favorite yaoi pairing : Kaoru/Shinji (Evangelion)
03. Favorite yuri pairing : Sôma/Kendappa-ô (Rg Veda)
04. Favorite sibling relationship : Ed et Al (Fullmetal Alchemist)
05. Favorite friendship : Lelouch et Suzaku (Code Geass)
06. Favorite parent-child relationship : Klaus et Gilgamesh (Girl Genius)
07. Favorite rivals relationship : L et Light (Death Note)
08. Favorite partners in crime : [Spoilers] Odin et Loki (American Gods)
09. Favorite family unit : Reed, Sue, Johnny, Ben, Franklin, Valeria (Fantastic Four)
10. Least favorite pairing : Ishigami/Misao (Kamikaze)
11. An "OT3" or threesome : Jack/Rose/Nine (Doctor Who)
12. Favorite person and animal duo : Aang et Appa (Avatar the Last Airbender)
13. Your first pairing : Electra/Nemo (Nadia)
14. Your most recent pairing : Celty/Shinra ou Shizuo/Izaya (Durarara!!)
15. Favorite non-canon pairing : Gin/Kira (Bleach)
16. Favorite canon pairing : Yukino/Soichirô (KareKano)
17. Favorite battle couple : Cable/Deadpool (Cable & Deadpool)
18. Favorite "nakama"/group of friends : Lina, Gourry, Zelgadis, Amelia, etc... (Slayers)
19. Favorite band of villains : Team Rocket (Pokemon)
20. A pairing you like, but don't like what canon did/is doing with them : Sylar/Mohinder (Heroes)
21. A pairing you think gets too little attention : Doug/Warlock (New Mutants)
23. An unpopular pairing that you like
24. A pairing you think are actually together behind-the-scenes but it's not confirmed in canon
25. A pairing you have grown to like but didn't at first
26. Favorite childhood pairing
27. The pairing you think is most adorable
28. A pairing people would be surprised you like
29. Your favorite of all the relationships you've posted so far
30. Free choice

meme:pairings, fandom:harry potter

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