Glad to be back

Feb 27, 2019 19:57

Hi. I am still alive here. lol

Apparently, there's a lot of changes on LJ right? Like now when i'm writing this, the appearance changes so much. Well, i can switch it to the old version tho, yet i still want to try this new kind of LJ.

Anyway, i just realized that it has been almost 2 years since i post something here (including comments i guess). Wow. Well, things changed, some groups i follow didn't post anymore here in LJ, some of them moved to DW, some of them just gone away, and more importantly i forgot my password. Great! Haha

Well, since LJ has (not so) new policy (tbh i don't really understand much, and i think it's related to politics, idk) so there were so many groups move their activity to another platform. Yet, in those platform they just got more passive rather than their activity in LJ. And sadly, that group was my main fandom T^T Well, but i'm glad that this platform still used by many people. Some of my fandom seems to be active as well. Me is happy ^^

Well, is it too late to write a review of 2018? I think not. lol.

For me, 2018 was a whole adventure. There were so many things happened. I happened to travel alone, i finally work in another city for 2 weeks (well, volunteering to be exact), i met so many great and awesome people and able to befriend them, and so many. That's why i said 2018 was an adventure. There were too many new experiences in 2018. Of course the highlight of 2018 was Asian Para Games in Jakarta. Thank God, i was able to be the volunteer of the event (as the NPC Relation Officer/LO). It was such an amazing time. I had great time there, met many awesome people, befriend with various people as well, and had splendid experience including new sport, new culture, new languages, new people, and everything new. I'm so grateful to be able to experience them (i mean, to be able to walk with your team in the opening ceremony was a once in a lifetime event right??).

2019 has started, almost 2 months. Yet i already felt the rage of 2019. Hahaha. I really hope that this year will be better, and i am able to be a better person than me in 2018. Be strong, me!

I think this is for now, see you next post (idk if i will post anything in this year or maybe next year. lol. well, let's see)


life, trip, friend, thoughts

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