Sep 26, 2004 02:58
so i came home from a work party with cool work people and i see some pina colada mix in the fridge and i get some eventhough i hate coconut only cause i have to work @ 10AM and alcohol puts me to sleep like a little bitch so here i am updating and drinking. To make things fun on the eyes, i will use spaces between my updates ... that and noone likes reading a huge block of text. Puts them to sleep.
-Opening up an internet cafe-ish place sometime in the near future with Chris and Greg doing the main helping. I already have a place for it and its being cleaned/fixed up at this moment. Expect pictures and such when shits together.
-Realized that i cant play more than one game well at a time. Its either Smash Bros. Melee, CvS2, or SC2, not all at once cause my timings get fucked to hell and back as proven by Naomi's 17ish winning streak at VCC. Fun day in the realm of my Soul Calibur. Sad but fun.
-I am increasingly hating and liking the taste of coconut ... or im not caring what im drinking. whatever works.
-Either i need to act differently around the ladies in my life or they do cause they all act the same so i dont know what they want and that makes me a sad panda.
-Never again will i drive american cars. Theyre fucked up beyond belief because they put the hood opener where the trunk opener goes and the trunk opener ...... IN THE F'N GLOVE COMPARTMENT.
-I curse too much so for now, im trying to bleep myself out by mouthing the words but making no noise. It kinda works but defeats the purpose because in essence, im still saying fuck too fucking much ..... fuck.
-I had something to put here but i forget what it is now so it must've sucked.
-I composed a song about one of the most wonderful dreams i've ever had and im gonna learn how my voice sounds so hopefully i can make my words sound like they do in my mind.
-I make fun of emo people alot but when i look around at what i do/done, i realize that im emo ... just in disguise. No, you can not look at my poetry about sunshine and daffofils ... bitches.
-If speaking were as easy as people make it out to be, i would be in a better place doing better things by now but my tongue hates working towards a better me.
-2 + 2 still equals 4 unless your reading this like its not supposed to be read. Then it equals 0.
-My font for updates is, i think, 8 in Times New Roman and my monitor is 1600x1200 so if there are mistakes you really care about in here, i have a spot reserved on my ass just for you to kiss.
-Updating isnt fun but rambling is !