a good day :)

Jan 14, 2009 18:32

today prooved to be a great day :)

after emailing with my film prof all morning I was able to get out to campus and hand a completed form with my grade for the course to the Registrar.  I GOT AN A-!!!!  I was hoping for an A, really hoping that I would do well, but expecting a C or B, so this A- comes with a very warm welcome into my life.  And now I shouldn't *crosses fingers just in case* have any need to bother the professor anymore.

I have a job interview tomorrow at AIDS Rochester, a place I've been trying to get into for a few years because I really like what they do and how they help the community.  I've used their services before so I partially know what I'm getting myself into.  I need to go over my resume tonight and focus on my positive qualities, and figure out how to turn the not so good ones into opportunities!

I mailed the UB application today, and with a stellar recommendation from Dr McEwen and three graduate grades in the A range, I've got high hopes for admission to their program.

Driving all over Rochester today wasn't a torture test; in fact, it was actually kind of nice.  I don't want to get my hopes up too high for that one, but it was really nice feeling comfortable and even enjoying driving.  I could get used to that.

My guitar lesson was fabulous.  JD's teaching me the Indigo Girls', "Closer to Fine" at my request.  So far so good!

And at the Library today I took out, eat, pray, love by Elizabeth Gilbert, so I'm really looking forward to digging into that before getting back to academic work.  I now need to piece two essays together and submit them to a journal, just for fun :)

Lastly, I got all the veggies chopped and dinner is cooking away on the stove, it should be ready by the time Michele gets home.  Aside from a few angsty pre-teen moments from the young one, a great day :)
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