whoa nelly!

Nov 01, 2008 10:30

since i don't know where to start, i'll just pick what's been most prevalent in my life of late: my french paper.  some will remember that i took a french film class a year ago and hated it.  instead of dropping out i stuck with it, not sure why, until now.  i decided - well, more like it was impossible to get out of my head until i told myself i'd do it and talked to michele about it - that i'm going to apply to buffalo for grad school; along with brockport.  and while i'm not looking forward to asking for letters of recomendation, it's something that i have to suck up and do if i want to get anywhere close to my dream.  so, last year i never turned in my final paper, my only grade, thinking that i'd receive an F and then wouldn't have to pay for the class.  as it turns out the professor either forgot our conversation about me not being able to write and turn in a paper, or was forced to give me an incomplete and i was charged for the class (roughly $2400 for those who are interested).  i was furious when i got the bill and fought it tooth and nail, but now i see that what with reapply to grad school it could the best $2300 i ever spend.  if i can turn the I into an A, that would be three A's at the graduate level to apply to a formal program with.  the last school i applied to (albany in 2006) turned me down because they felt i'd been away from school for too long and weren't sure how i'd perform.  i can't see why anyone could/would reject me now - i'm sure they could, but i only want to think positive thoughts.  i found the bottle of sangria that i bought when a few friends and i went to Chateau Renaissance in the finger lakes wine trail, long after the albany rejection.  and as this was the third winery that we were at, my inhibitions were at zero, and thus i boldly declared that i would not open this bottle until i was accepted at a school for a french program.  it sits unopened in our closet.  i found it the other day while cleaning; that works on a metaphorical level too.  sometimes you gotta get rid of the clutter and organize in order to make room for what needs it.

so back to the paper, it's supposed to be 15 pages or so, and my introduction already takes up one, and it's still in rough draft form.  yay!  much to my chagrin, while i detested the class, i'm really enjoying the process of researching and writing this paper.  i feel very knowledgable (sp?) about the content and write with a certain ease that i haven't experienced before.  maybe it's because i know i need to take it up a few notches, or that i have a lot riding on this paper that i'm so invested in its quality.  either way, the subject matter (les bas-fonds as directed by jean renoir) is fascinating, along with the socio-political background.

on to something next, the colors in and around rochester are stunningly beautiful.  i find this to be the most romantic time of the year and daydream accordingly.  hand in hand walks, cool breezes, smiles and hot beverages, knit caps and bulky sweaters, sunshine pouring down through openings in trees...

little man's been as little man is.  some days he's a delight, other days he's a moody wreck.  any patience that i ever had seems to have flown out the window, and i really dislike that.  he actually *just* informed me that he doesn't have school on the 4th, and it looks like he doesn't have school on the 11th either.  lucky him!  he was in syracuse trick or treating with family last night.  he brought home some good candy too!  today he's got a swim meet and is tired as they got to bed around 1am.  he had a mock meet last week and did really well - two first places and two second places.

and actually i have to hop in the shower now to get ready for the big meet!

but before i go, i want to remember to update on erica hahn's coming out on grey's anatomy!  SO HOTT!!     

school, dreams

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