Apr 24, 2006 12:20
It's the oddest thing. I'm happy, and healthy, enough, but....
I've been intermittently gripped by the strongest sense of ennui of late. I hope it passes once my birthday does. I seem to recall hearing that the 30th birthday is a time of dissatisfaction regardless of how one normally feels about age and aging. Of course, the 3rd wedding anniversary is also a significant one psychologically.
To have both literally one after the other likely isn't good for my emotional well-being this month. I think that may be more to the point.
Ron constantly wonders if I'm happy being married. I am. Really happy about it. But, at the same time, I'm frustrated. I'm not in the mood for sex as often, because I truly am tired. I get frustrated with him and the kids because I feel I do do an inordinate amount of the parenting. I don't know how to express these things to him without him getting all bent out of shape that I don't love him or the kids or whatever. I think I'm going to call Sherry about scheduling an hour for myself sometime.
Right after I finally call the accupunturist.