Nov 19, 2005 23:09
My car is still giving me trouble. The mechanic told me that if it keeps up, it's a wiring issue. But I don't have any choice but to use it. I was on my way to Gala Corina when it stalled. I got it started and decided to go to the movies with my sister. I've been neglecting her a lot because of work/school. We went to see "Walk the Line". The movie is amazing! I appreciate the fact that they portrayed Johnny Cash as a man and not just an artist. Even as a child, I knew who he was b/c of my grandparents' love for old country. I was reintroduced to him by U2 in middle school b/c they collaborated on an album. I've always had a great respect for him and this movie just strenghten that. I felt sad at the end though. I wish I had the honor of meeting him and shaking his hand. I recommend everyone to go see it regardless of how familiar you are of him and his career. Joaquin Phoenix portrayed him brilliantly. The curl of his month when he spoke, the characteristic toss of his head when he sang, his mannerisms...everything that gave him what Bono calls "swagger". I never though Cash was handsome but Phoenix was sekushi (japanese for sexy)!!
walk the line