This time of year, storms in Alaska usually send wacky currents of water down the coast and cause great swells in the surf. This was not the case on Wednesday. There was a major storm 1,000 miles west of California, and its forces sent major aquatic turbulence toward the Western shores, causing 10-15 foot swells that closed the beaches and drew a cadre of surfers out of hibernation.
My girlfriend was terribly excited by all this oceanic activity, but seeing as she was stuck at work, she suggested that I go take some pictures in her stead. I knew the cell phone camera just wouldn't be adequate to capture Nature in the wild, so I grabbed my Fuji Finepix S5100 and armed it with a 512MB xD camera chip.
Within an hour, I had snapped over 350 pictures and took two short video clips of the frothing waves.