Dear LiveJournal,
I have Attention Deficit Disorder. I have an amazing ability to genuinely forget important things in situations that would otherwise appear "convenient" to the average person.
Q: How can I remember things when I usually keep forgetting them?
Take this example: my wife
ixchelmala is a little annoyed with me because I used a rather expensive type of cashew nut to make peanut butter, and she'd been planning to use them for carrot soup instead. We had talked about it earlier, and she claims that she reminded me several times not to use the cashews. I would ask, and she'd say, "no, those are for my soup recipe."
So fast forward to tonight...
flitzermusik Um... you mean... the ones I used to make peanut butter yesterday?"
ixchelmala "...WHAT?!"
The poor knave cowered in fear as the She-Dragon let out a fierce cry, snorting loudly and breathing fire from her nostrils. They were burned to a crisp.
She told me that she'd been planning to make carrot soup since we got married last October. She has been gathering ingredients, slowly and steadily, finding bargains where she can. She got the most expensive item, cashews, on sale at the discount food store for $2.00. They normally cost $6.39.
After apologizing profusely and looking like a complete ass, I offered to run to the store and get the nuts. But before I left,
ixchelmala wouldn't let me go without first suggesting- in that assertive, loving way that only wives can-that I sit down and write this post, and ask you all the question.