Feb 04, 2005 01:47
"The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n."
-Paradise Lost
My state GHP interview is in less than 48 hours. I feel pinched for time, pinched in so many ways... I have to make so many decisions in the next few days, and I don't want to make them....
It irks me that...................................................and then I feel like I failed somehow. :(
But its not my life, so it doesn't matter, right? That's what people insist on telling me. That I shouldn't worry... heck, I do it too. People (in general) act like what they do effects only them. I HATE THAT! It's not true! Because it does effect us. All of us! Well, at least it effects me...
"No man is an Iland, intire of it self; every man
is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a
Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse,
as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor
of they friends or of thine owne were; any mans death
diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And
therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee."
-John Donne
BTW, the dude who plays Faramir is extremely D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!