Important Question for My Readers

Feb 02, 2013 16:25

I've been thinking about this for a while now and I really need some opinions.

I'm considering getting rid of my website ( Now, don't worry, I won't just up and get rid of all my stories. I would post them ALL on ao3, unlike the few I have right now.

Now... the reason for this is thricefold: a) my website does cost money, whilst websites like ao3 are free, b) it's kind of annoying that every time I post a story, I have to, or have set up that I do, post it, basically, in three places (my website, ao3, and the teaser on LJ), c) I'm trying to cut back on my fanfiction writing and it doesn't make as much sense for me to keep my website up when I won't post on it for a couple months or something like that.

And I am sorry, for all of my loyal followers and fans, that I am planning on cutting back on fanfiction. The thing is, I'm moving onto real world publishing and while I won't be one of those authors that never writes fanfiction again, because I do love writing fanfiction, I'll be A LOT slower about it.

Now, I don't know how many of my fans read my LJ. I don't tend to get a lot of comments here. But I really really do want opinions on this matter. So please, let me know what you thinK!

.journal info, .slice of life, .meta

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