Наблюйбздушеньки и осьмышлюшечки

May 06, 2024 20:15

Распоряжения СНК СССР от 5 мая 1944

А без ленд-лизнЫ - и не туды, и ни сюды

№ 9851-р

Обедня Наркомвнешторга (тов. Крутикова) отгрузить Наркоммясомолпрому СССР во 2 ква… олово, свинец, красную медь, труб цельнонатянутых [пропущено].

Вся страна работает исключительно на жидком горючем

№ 9858-р

Обедня Наркомпищепрома СССР поставить Наркомэлектростанций до-ительно во 2 ква… 100 дкл спирта.

№ 9837-р

О, Роз-и! Наркомзагу использовать не продовольственные цели 1945 т ржи всхожестью от 82%.

№ 9845-р

Обедня Наркомпищепрома СССР (тов. Зотова) и НКПС (тов. Арутюнова) отгрузить с 6 по 26 мая… 110 маршрутов соли по 50 вагонов каждый.

…you realize that museums have become the modern churches, where people flock to revere art for art’s sake and perhaps to find some consolation they have lost at a deeper level.

Museums that have been built and maintained by the very rich to serve as their own churches to the glory of mammon and their own self-deluded immortalization.

Beneath all high cultural institutions such as museums and arts venues like The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, Lincoln Center in New York, etc., lies the expropriated labor and land of the lower classes…

Political power needs cultural power to operate effectively. The elites can’t just slam people around and expect no response. They need to worm their ideological messages into the public consciousness in pleasing ways. Writing of Edmund Burke, Eagleton says, “Instead, he recognises that culture in the anthropological sense is the place where power has to bed itself down if it is to be effective. If the political doesn’t find a home in the cultural, its sovereignty won’t take hold.”

Another name for this is propaganda.

Cultural messaging is where the power elite need to seduce regular people that power is being exercised for their own good and everyone is in bed together. Soft power. Nice power. Power that is disguised as beneficial for all. Beautiful power. “Spiritual” power.

…many college students (and some faculty) whose consciences do not allow them to sit still while Palestinians are slaughtered. … have rejected that part of the learning experience that George Orwell called Crime stop:

… [it] means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crime stop, in short, means protective stupidity.

Sometimes real thinking and conscience win the day, for the power of the elite’s cultural institutions is not omnipotent. Everyone is not for sale, even those invited into the banquet. Teach people to think and meditate on history and they just might think outside the cage of your expectations.

But “beautiful” power becomes the iron fist when the plebes get too uppity and actually take seriously their studies and rebel as human beings with consciences. This is the flip side to the hidden messages of the elite cultural institutions.


Знову за кукульт лейбабздни у$$jбздяной Машки-раздвинь-ляжки Тöтчöговённой с öйной jидхватибздямацöй

Here’s the third thing about our interesting plumbers. At no point in their adventures in our house did they say: ‘Of course we’ll work on your plumbing for you. We’ll maintain it for ever, for a monthly fee. But for that to happen, you’ll have to give it to us. You’ll have to sign away ownership of your taps and your pipework in perpetuity. We’ll bank the fees, borrow money with your plumbing as collateral, write off the interest as a legal tax dodge, spend the minimum to keep your system going, take the profits, and after a few years, just when you realise our short-term fixes aren’t working, we’ll sell your pipework to some foreign companies who won’t realise the whole shonky structure is about to go belly-up until we’re safely on the beach.’


На юге Бразилии из-за рекордного наводнения погибли по меньшей мере 58 чел-к

J-öпа топа

Латынина, реклама, history, скрупулёзненько, natural economy, budgeting, разговор страны, credo хомячья, марксизм, banksters, так нам и надо, war economy, сё -- человек, наука такая наука, стиль жизни, Шувалов, Барат в помощь, Силуанов, corruption, крапивное семя, сборная яичница, нас отреформировали, privatization головного мозга, Сбербанк, матрац, война не для генералов, их нравы, прихватизаторы, ВШЭ заела, c'est la vie, чему не учат в школе, журнализды, Двугорлый, против человечества, гейжопа, vituli aurei, capital flow, воруют, хомячьё, это Сталин виноват, метко подмечено, wb, Снимайте Божену кто ещё не, и время провести и капитал приобрести, Ксюшадь, ворон ворону, гор-лы, креативный класс, марксисты, metoo, realpolitik, Дискин, былое и думы, Яблоко, британские учёные, упразднение образования, demography, меритокрадия, иго, светские сплетни, crony capitalism, Фурсенко, marxism, Кудрин, дорогой Никита Сергеевич, бобик сдох, рыло в пуху, involution, Двуглавый, пиндоз головного мозга, экономика и политика, образованщина, useful idiots

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