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Apr 21, 2024 21:21



- Jacques Cartier begins his first voyage to what is today the east coast of Canada, the island of Newfoundland and Labrador. // Jacques Cartier, who had likely accompanied Florentine explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, sets sail on a voyage with to Canada in two ships, with 61 men. He was commissioned by François I to find a passage to Asia and “lands where there is a great quantity of gold”; makes crossing to Newfoundland in just 20 days; explores Strait of Belle Isle, which he hoped was the beginning of a river leading to China; says of the coast, “I believe that this was the land God gave to Cain”; will chart the coasts of Newfoundland, les Îles de la Madeleine, Prince Edward Island, the Baie de Chaleur and the Gaspé peninsula, where he will trade with the Mi’qmaq; returns September 5, with Iroquois youths Domagaya and Taignoagny; after a harrowing voyage. St-Malo

20 (8) Апреля 1814 [пятн]

Бзденя в сопровождении союзных комиссаров отправлен на о. Эльбу.

- 20 avril 1814 - Adieux de lʼEmpereur à sa garde dans la cour du Cheval-Blanc du château de Fontainebleau ; il part en compagnie dʼHenri Gatien Bertrand, Antoine Drouot, Pierre Cambronne et de six cents hommes.

20 avril : lynchage de Giuseppe Prina, ministre des Finances du royaume d’Italie à Milan.

War of 1812. Sloop USS Frolic, out of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, surrenders after being fired on by RN frigate HMS Orpheus and schooner HMS Shelburne in the Florida Straits.

20 kwietnia 1864 - Powstanie Styczniowe: utworzono Rząd Narodowy Bronisława Brzezińskiego.


- Pope Leo XIII publishes the encyclical Humanum genus.

Walrond Cattle Ranch registers its running WR brand in the NWT. Alberta


Nineteen men, women, and children die in the Ludlow Massacre during a Colorado coal-miner’s strike.

State militia and company guards attack the tent city that striking coal miners set up in Ludlow, Colorado. Following a machine gun assault, they set fire to the camp. The exact number of men, women, and children who were killed that day remains unknown. In 2009, the site of the Ludlow Massacre was designated a National Historic Landmark.

Three US Navy aircraft depart Pensacola on board the USS Mississippi in support of troops at Vera Cruz, Mexico. They will fly reconnaissance missions until 12 May.

CPR launches steamer Naramata (150 tons) at Okanagan Landing, British Columbia. Retired 1967. BC

Le Britannique Howard Pixton gagne la seconde coupe Schneider, disputée à Monaco, à la vitesse de 139.73 km/h. Son Sopwith Tabloid, muni d’un Gnome de 100 ch, a été transformé en hydravion.

H. Pixton wins the Schneider Trophy at Monaco. Pixton averages 139.66 km/h (86.78 mph) over the course in a Sopwith Schneider.

7 апреля торжественное открытие в селе Орехово стадиона возле железной дороги. В день открытия состоялся футбольный матч «Клуб Спорт Орехово» - команда Лондонского университета.


Утверждена Конституция Турецкой Республики (с 1924 по 1961 гг.).


На ГХК запущен радиохим. з-д.

the scheduled broadcast launch of the new BBC2 channel at 7:20 pm BST was made impossible by a major power failure that affected most of west London, including the Television Centre. The blackout was due to a fire at the Battersea Power Station, and lasted the whole of the evening. Even the hasty change to start with a short news bulletin from Alexandra Palace, another BBC studio that still had power, was plagued with problems. The broadcaster, Gerald Priestland, was first seen without any sound for two minutes. The remainder of the evening was filled with test cards and instrumental music. The first BBC2 broadcast programmes began the next day at 11 am on 21 Apr 1964. The new channel was designed for a new standard of 625 lines on the screen for greater picture clarity.

Dallas Love Field awarded contract for construction of second level auto parking deck.

1984: Bárbara Lennie, actriz española.

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Наш пострел

- Зря мы сюда приехали! Чёрные Камни ближе, да и клёв там лучше!

- Если я не ошибаюсь, то здесь будет такой клёв, что ты забудешь всё на свете. Выгружайся!

Гаити ждёт…

Я гаджет свой тебе отдам…

- А у вас нет такого же, но с пелра… с перламутровыми пуговицами?

ВИаГра игромана

Шйорт поб’ери!

Третьим будешь?

- и я твоя!

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