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Apr 20, 2024 21:31

Разграбление русского дизельного топлива ТНОПГ сократили на ¼ в апреле 2024

How Big Tech Is Consuming America's Electricity And Water

by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times

Воjидöвские малины данных истребили в 2022 17 GW э/э или ок-о 4% совокупного истребления запöj$$jидбздяШекЪ. По прогнозам, к 2030 этот показатель удвоится (до 35 GW).

According to a February case study of one large regional electric utility, PJM, by Quanta Technologies, the next several years will feature “equipment overloads that trigger as much as 6,826 MW of load shedding during average winter peak demand.”

“Сто процентов энергии, ко-ю вы запускаете на сервер, должно быть с сервера удалено”, - г-н Уильямс. - “Если вы позволите ей накапливаться, они просто сгорят, поэтому с увеличением плотности компьютеров потребность в отводе тепла стала экстремальной ”. По его словам, как правило, помимо э/э, используемой для питания компьютеров, для их охлаждения требуется в ср-м до-ительно 40%.

Google, например, сообщила, что в 2022 потребила 5,6 млрд. галлонов воды, в основном для охлаждения ЦОД. Это на 20% больше, чем в 2021.

Отчёт ФРС: ЦОД вошли в 10 крупнейших отраслей по потреблению воды в 2021.


Britain Minor : Parliament - The Currency Act; April 19

19 (7) Апреля 1814 [чтвг]

- 19 avril 1814 - Arrivée à Fontainebleau des commissaires alliés chargés dʼaccompagner Napoléon 1er jusquʼà lʼîle dʼElbe.

19 avril : Louis XVIII quitte Hartwell House pour la France ; il est à Calais le 24 avril.

Г. Страсбург покорился Лую XVIII.

Кагалбздище Zionists в Италии бздивонного ге-ла Гjенье, оставил рубеж рек Минчио и По и пошлö в запöj$$бздяньцю.


Indigenous. Ottawa amends the Indian Act to outlaw the potlatch ceremony, practised by the tribes of the Northwest Coast to mourn the dead or to celebrate the initiation of a chief. BC officials and missionaries opposed the potlach, saying that it interfered with work, and wasted goods such as blankets, food, and canoes, given away or destroyed to demonstrate the status and power of a clan. Ceremonies were still held in secret, at the risk of arrest or confiscation of property; the ban was finally lifted in 1951. Ottawa


Disaster. Great Toronto fire starts in tie maker E. & S. Currie’s store at Bay and Wellington around 8:00 in the evening, and rages for more than ten hours, fed by high winds; the city’s 200 firefighters call on crews from London, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Peterborough and Buffalo for help, but bitter cold and a lack of adequate water pressure makes the fire hoses almost ineffective. No people or horses perish, but the fire does an estimated $12 million dollars damage and destroys 104 buildings, leaving almost 8 ha of the city’s business core in ice-covered ruins. Standing at the corner of Front and Bay streets, writes a Globe reporter on April 21, one begins to realize the extent of the awful destruction that has been wrought. On every hand are ruins almost as far as one can see. Toronto, Ontario - (CIty of Toronto Archives)


A one-week national strike by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers begins over wage inequality. The Canada Post Office’s new postal mechanization system was staffed with female postal code machine operators paid $2.94 / hour compared to male postal clerks making $3.69 / hour. In the end, an arbitrator awarded female postal coders the same wages as male postal clerks.



Repeat After Me: The American Tax System is Hardly Progressive at All

Steve Roth April 19, 2014 12:40 pm

US financial showdown with Russia is more dangerous than it looks, for both sides

The US Treasury faces a more formidable prey with Russia, the world’s biggest producer of energy with a $2 trillion economy, superb scientists and a first-strike nuclear arsenal

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

6:24PM BST 16 Apr 2014

“The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot.

The stealth weapon is a “scarlet letter”, devised under Section 311 of the US Patriot Act. Once a bank is tainted in this way - accused of money-laundering or underwriting terrorist activities, a suitably loose offence - it becomes radioactive, caught in the “boa constrictor’s lethal embrace”, as Mr Zarate puts it.

China also tipped off Washington when Mr Putin proposed a joint Sino-Russian attack on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds in 2008, aiming to precipitate a dollar crash.

The new arsenal was first deployed against Ukraine - of all places - in December 2002. Its banks were accused of laundering funds from Russia's organised crime rings. Kiev capitulated in short order.

Princeton professor Harold James sees echoes of events before the First World War when Britain and France imagined they could use financial warfare to check German power.

…“…A Russian asset freeze could be catastrophic for European - indeed, global - financial markets,” he wrote on Project Syndicate.”

Из срача (более 500 ответок, ниасилил)

Ken5745 “The notion of the United States, already Planet Earth’s biggest debtor, (with a $17.5 Trillion national debt plus $200 Trillion in unfunded debts) having a financial showdown with Russia, the world's biggest energy producer and a nuclear state, is not only ludicrous but one can predict the outcome.


ManAboutDallas “ANOTHER lifetime supply of Stupid Pills this morning, Ambrose? Wow, didn't realize how addictive they were, but now I do. So, Ambrose? When did you join the jingoists who believe the world starts at the Statue Of Liberty and ends at the Golden Gate Bridge? I'll have to admit I wasn't paying attention, but that's because my attention was on really important things. And now you think some pixilated, pi**ant pipsqueak at the Treasury who wrote a book on taxpayer-funded time is worth believing? Aren't you precious? I'll bet you still leave out milk and cookies for Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, don't 'ya, cupcake?”

pmoulin “Author made a ridicoulous analysis considering the most important countries as China, India, Brazil, Southafrica ( BRICS) and many others… are neutral and/or alined with USA imperial foreign policy.

Many countries and people in the World know that USA leaders have lost any Human Values , do not deserve World respect as World leaders, and USA has become in fact a Terrorist State at World level.

So terrorism with or without armies ( national or proxi or mercenaries) involved , be private / public terrorism, individual / state terrorism … is evil.

There is no good terrorism ( USA one) and bad terrorism.”

воруют, реклама, history, 20-летие "реформ", wb, метко подмечено, natural economy, англичанка гадит, и время провести и капитал приобрести, статистика знает, nato, rotschild, марксизм, banksters, ворон ворону, креативный класс, так нам и надо, war economy, metoo, былое и думы, realpolitik, стиль жизни, demography, Барат в помощь, меритокрадия, иго, Силуанов, светские сплетни, corruption, крапивное семя, crony capitalism, taxation, сборная яичница, marxism, нас отреформировали, globalization головного мозга, democracy crusade, privatization головного мозга, Сбербанк, матрац, Кудрин, energetics, mark twain, война не для генералов, прихватизаторы, их нравы, ВШЭ заела, бобик сдох, Двуглавый, involution, чему не учат в школе, рыло в пуху, Двугорлый, против человечества, пиндоз головного мозга, гейжопа, экономика и политика, демокрадия на марше, capital flow, модный приговор

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